Jumat, 07 Juni 2019

Champ - Business Office Chihuahua, Business Office Charmer

Champ is a chihuahua Mix. He is seven years old, some 17lbs. in addition to tan inwards color. He's a medium pose out energy domestic dog who loves to play, instruct for walks in addition to hold upwardly some other dogs. He is really sweet, gentle in addition to loving. He is dandy some children in addition to is housebroken. Champ is electrical flow on all vaccinations, he is neutered, in addition to has of late had a dental cleaning. He is inwards dandy health. 

Last twelvemonth Champ's possessor died in addition to he is looking for mortal to order him the attending he deserves. 

Interested inwards Champ? Call John at 412-491-9362 or electronic mail him at JONNYVETTE@YAHOO.COM

Champ - Business Office Chihuahua, Business Office Charmer Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: dwiAH

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